Author: Admin


Gynaecological Clinic

Gynaecology or gynecology is the medical practice dealing with the health of the female reproductive system.


Ophthalmology Clinic

The Department of Ophthalmology offers a wide range of solutions for the protection, preservation and enhancement of vision across all age groups.


Cardiac Clinic

In the department of Cardiac Sciences, We provide world class treatment to patients suffering from Heart diseases and ailments.


Outpatient Surgery

Outpatient surgery, also known as ambulatory surgery, day surgery, day case surgery, or same-day surgery, is surgery that does not require an overnight hospital stay.


Pediatric Clinic

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Spine OPD

Spine OPD

The SPS Spine Clinic exclusively focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of back pain, whether mild, moderate, severe or crippled. Our team of dedicated Spine Specialists & Expert physiotherapists use up-to-date concepts to relieve pain and restore functional mobility and stabilization of the spine during posture and movement and achieve functional recovery. Many spinal problems require long-term...