Dr. Deep Dhawan

DNB Student
Dr deep dhawan | SPS Hospital


  • M.B.B.S – 2011 Batch from N.K.P. Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & RC, Nagpur

Experiences at SPS Hospital  



Field of Interest

  • MCH Urology or MCH Gastro Surgery

Profile Summary 

The journey started in 2011 on 9 September when i got admitted in NKPSIMS. Like any other normal guy I was lost on the first day in the medical college when my teacher was holding a skill in her hand & teaching various foramina. Although I don’t remember the name of the foramina but that day is still as clear in my mind as a glass. Fast forwarding to today , now I am no longer lost, I know my path & where I have to go. The ‘SCAPEL’ has become a dear friend now. All thanks to SPS Hospital, The journey has not ended yet-and miles to go before I sleep & miles to go before I sleep. A single page is not enough to describe a lifetime of memory both good and bad. So I shared just a preface of my life.