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Free Consultation of Scoliosis & Spine Surgeries

Scoliosis is a common spinal condition that affects millions of people worldwide. In this article, we will discuss the different treatment options available for scoliosis, including non-surgical and surgical treatments. We will also provide information on spine and scoliosis surgery, its benefits and risks, and how it can correct scoliosis. Additionally, we will mention the free consultation camp on spine and scoliosis surgery at SPS Hospitals on 11th and 12th March 2023.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves sideways, causing an abnormal curvature of the spine. It can occur at any age, but it is most commonly diagnosed in children and adolescents. Scoliosis can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, neuromuscular conditions, and degenerative diseases. There are several types of scoliosis, including idiopathic, congenital, and neuromuscular.

Treatment Options for Scoliosis

Non-surgical treatment options for scoliosis include observation and bracing. Observation involves regular monitoring of the condition to ensure that the curvature of the spine does not worsen. Bracing is used to prevent the progression of scoliosis in growing children and adolescents. Surgical treatment options for scoliosis include spinal fusion and instrumentation. Spinal fusion involves fusing together two or more vertebrae to create a single bone. Instrumentation involves the use of rods, screws, and other devices to straighten the spine.

What is Spine and Scoliosis Surgery?

Spine and scoliosis surgery is a type of surgery that is performed to correct the curvature of the spine. There are several types of spine and scoliosis surgeries, including anterior/posterior spinal fusion, thoracoscopic surgery, and osteotomy. The surgery involves realigning the spine and fixing it in place using screws, rods, and other devices. Before the surgery, patients will undergo various tests and evaluations to determine the best treatment plan for their individual needs.

Can Scoliosis be Corrected with Surgery?

Spine and scoliosis surgery can correct scoliosis in most cases. However, the success of the surgery depends on several factors, including the severity of the curvature, the age of the patient, and their overall health. Patients who undergo spine and scoliosis surgery can expect to see a significant improvement in their quality of life.

How Serious is Scoliosis Surgery?

Spine and scoliosis surgery is a major surgery that comes with risks and potential complications. Some of the risks associated with the surgery include bleeding, infection, nerve damage, and failure to correct the curvature of the spine. Proper patient selection and pre-operative evaluation are crucial to ensure the success of the surgery. Patients can also prepare for surgery by following their surgeon’s instructions on medications, diet, and physical activity.

In conclusion, scoliosis is a common spinal condition that can be treated using non-surgical or surgical methods. Spine and scoliosis surgery is an effective treatment option for patients with severe scoliosis, but it comes with risks and potential complications. If you or a loved one is experiencing scoliosis symptoms, we encourage you to seek medical advice and attend the free consultation camp on spine and scoliosis surgery at SPS Hospitals on 11th and 12th March 2023.

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