Profile Summary
Dr. Narinder Verma is the senior consultant and head of the department of ENT at SPS Hospital. Having vast experience of 38 years, Dr. Verma has been providing comprehensive medical and surgical care for patients with diseases and disorders that involve or affect the ears, nose, throat, and related structures of the head and neck.
He completed his MBBS from Government Medical College & Hospital, Jammu and DLO(ENT), MS(ENT) from Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana. He was presented with a medal and certificate by Dr. G.S. Bawa Memorial Foundation, Amritsar for outstanding ability, excellence in teaching and research, and sympathetic patient care in the field of ear, nose, and throat, in the year 1994. Dr. Narinder Verma has worked in large academic/university settings where he has helped train medical students and residents and was also the Assessor of the thesis of DNB candidate for the following topics:
- Comparative study on Stapedectomy and Neo-Stapedotomy in Otosclerosis
- Trans nasal DCR VS Conventional External DCR
- Malignant Neoplasms of Head and Neck in Pediatric age group
- Role of Uncinectomy in Chronic Sinusitis
Job Experiences
- Junior Resident (Opthalmology) – Government Medical College & Hospital, Jammu & Kashmir
- Junior Resident (ENT) – Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana
- Registrar (ENT) – Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana
- Medical Officer – Primary Health Centre, Kanganwal, Sangrur
- Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgery – MD Oswal Cancer Hospital, Ludhiana
- Specialist ENT – Qatif Central Hospital, Qatif KSA
- Sr. Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgery – MD Oswal Cancer Hospital, Ludhiana
- Consultant ENT – Biljurashi General Hospital, Al Baha KSA
- Sr. Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgery – MD Oswal Cancer Hospital, Ludhiana
- Sr. Consultant ENT, Head & Neck Surgery – SPS Hospital, Ludhiana
Area of Expertise
- Special Interest in Head & Neck Cancer Surgery
- Nose Surgery (FESS)
- Rhinoplasty & Laryngeal Functional Surgery
Conferences & Course Attended
- Paper Presentation (Profile of Head & Neck cancers seen in M.D. Oswal Cancer Hospital, Ludhiana) in Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh, India on March 1987
- Attended workshop in Head & Neck Cancer Surgery in J.J. Hospital, Bombay on March 1987
- Participated in a workshop in Reconstructive Surgery of Head & Neck in J.J. Hospital, Bombay in November 1987
- Attended workshop in Head & Neck Cancer Surgery in TATA Memorial Hospital, Bombay in September 1988
- Attended advanced course in Head & Neck oncology in All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in October 1993
- Participated in International workshop on Temporal Bone Microsurgical dissection and Tracheo-oesophageal Puncture (TEP) course in Kasturba Gandhi Memorial College & Hospital, Manipal, India in November, 1993
- Paper presentation on Surgical Voice Rehabilitation in Laryngectomised Patient in XV Annual Conference of ASI in Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana on September 1994
- Participated in Asia-Pacific Conference on advanced Head & Neck Oncology held in Nehru Centre, Mumbai in collaboration with TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai from November 1997
- Participated in an international conference of the association of Oto-Laryngologists held in Taj Palace, New Delhi from December 1997
- Presented a paper on “Wide-field Total Laryngectomy – review of 55 cases done by me in the last decade from 1993-2003” in AIIMS in 3rd National Head & Neck Oncology Conference in 2nd to 5th October 2003
- AOI Membership